Wednesday, July 16, 2014

An Artist to Another Blog Article #3 - The 5 Keys to passion

Being passionate about what you do isn't always easy. Sometimes you get lazy. Other times you get tired of the day to day grind. And sometimes you want to quit when the going gets tough. Motivation, consistency, and determination are key components of being passionate about what you do. Here are 5 ways to to instill these qualities so you can be passionate about what you do.

1. Enjoy the Challenge

Like they say, nothing easy is ever worth it. There is an extraordinary feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction when you overcome extreme difficulties and come out on top thanks to hard work and determination. That impressive painting technique you like might not be all that difficult to recreate if you just give it a try. That new animation software might actually be better suited for your needs if you just make the jump and commit to learning it. Challenge yourself and don't give up just because things get hard. Progress and improvement always come to those diligent in their practice so by giving up in the face of hardship you will deprive yourself of a valuable chance to learn, improve, and gain confidence in your craft.

2. Instead of doing something else to pass the time, PRACTICE

So how many times a week do you practice your drawing or sketching? If you can't seem to find the time to commit to practicing your art or craft because of other activities taking up your time, your priorities aren't straight. Be passionate about what you do by being excited and eager to participate as opposed to just making time for it. If you enjoy what you do there should be no issues doing all you can to get better at it. Challenge yourself and practice everyday and in no time you will be on your way.

3. No money when it comes to passion

If you love what you do, you'll never work a single day in your life. If you love money, you'll have to work everyday for it and it'll never be enough. As for me, my career is not where I'd like it to be yet and to put it plainly, the money is not there and neither is that dream position of in house studio animator. But despite this I make sure to take the time to look at all my success and keep things in perspective. I know that I'm in good shape in terms of my career and I'm still doing what I love by animating for clients and doing commission based artwork. Sure money is tight and a Part-time job might be necessary at times, but I'm an animator and didn't expect much in terms of a paycheck when I made this my career choice.

4. Hang around like-minded people

Find out what other artists around you are doing. This allows for so many valuable opportunities such as getting inspiration, new ideas, more knowledge, and more creativity. Meet someone with similar interests and learn more about your craft. Make new friends and network!

5. Love what you do and have fun with it!

If what you do seems like a chore or a waste of time and you generally don't enjoy doing it, then quite possibly it isn't for you. Hey it happens at times but it gives you the opportunity to pursue other interests. Be sure its something you really like and look forward to doing that way it doesn't feel like a chore. You must love what you do if you want to get as much out of it as possible. Daily practice is OK but just be weary not to burn yourself out; even the most enjoyable task can become tedious and monotonous without proper breaks. Pace yourself.

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